<<< Tilbage Sussi Bech og Frank Madsen har 2021/22 arbejdet for Danmarks Jernbanemuseum i Odense med at tegne deres nye …

<<< Tilbage Sussi Bech og Frank Madsen har 2021/22 arbejdet for Danmarks Jernbanemuseum i Odense med at tegne deres nye …
<<< Tilbage Sussi Bech og Frank Madsen har 2021/22 arbejdet for Danmarks Jernbanemuseum i Odense med at tegne deres nye …
Tegnefilm om træmøbler for Danmarks Træ-portal (trae.dk) lavet i samarbejde med Flemming Andersen (Duck Studio). Storyboard, animation og videoredigering.
Wood is the world’s best raw material, also when it comes to furniture. See how the stone age man creates his first chair out of wood and how he conquers the world evolving into a modern manufacturer of sustainable wood furniture.
Tegnefilm om træhuse for Danmarks Træ-portal (trae.dk) lavet i samarbejde med Flemming Andersen (Duck Studio).
Animation video produced for The Danish Wood Initiative about the most environmentally friendly raw material for house building in the world. Storyboard, illustration and video editing.
Tegnefilm for Danmarks Træ-portal (trae.dk) lavet i samarbejde med Flemming Andersen (Duck Studio).
Animation video produced for The Danish Wood Initiative about the most environmentally friendly raw material in the world. Storyboard, illustration and video editing.